Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Married Priests?

John Cooney had a typically nasty piece on the rule of celibacy for Latin Rite priests in last Saturday's Irish Independent. He can see no other reason for maintaining this law than "Pope Benedict's unwillingness to change." So how does Cooney's tired caricature of Pope Benedict as a narrow-minded reactionary square with the following?

The Holy See Press office released the following communique late yesterday (Monday) afternoon:

"The Holy Father has called a meeting of the heads of dicasteries of the Roman Curia, for Thursday, November 16, in order to examine the situation that has arisen following the disobedience of Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo, and to reflect upon requests for dispensation from the obligation of celibacy and requests for readmission to the priestly ministry, presented by married priests over the course of recent years. No other matters are scheduled on the order of the day."


Blogger Brendan Allen said...

Keep it up. I've linked to you.

9:08 p.m.  
Blogger Jizzy said...

It's quite telling that Mr Cooney appeals to popular opinion(rather than scripture or tradition) to justify his argument. He has no interest in being faithful to the word of God. He just wants to mold the church into his own image and make it a moral free zone.

Scripture does permit priests to be married, and the church used to allow married priests(indeed some popes had wives) but St Paul says that it is easier to serve God whilst celibate. Celibacy is not dogma, merely a canonial discripline. And it should not be revised to suit populist liberal thinking.

4:41 p.m.  

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